PFAI and Sports Chaplaincy Ireland
We are delighted to have partnered with the charity, Sports Chaplaincy Ireland, the Christian charity that are part of Sports Chaplaincy UK (SCUK) and Global Sports Chaplaincy (GSCA) and who help coordinate and facilitate the work of Sports Chaplains within sport in Ireland. They work in close partnership with clubs and sport’s governing bodies who recognise the need for quality pastoral and spiritual support and encouragement throughout sport. ‘Serving Sport Through Excellence in Chaplaincy’ is their tag line and this is their heart and DNA.
Sports Chaplaincy UK and Ireland has been in existence for over 30 years across Football, Rugby, Cricket, Hockey, Athletics, Horse Racing, Motor Racing and now GAA as well as many other sports such as Golf, Gyms and Surfing They are trusted across sport in the whole of the UK and Ireland and have Global reputation.
Approximately 80% of the professional football clubs in the UK and Ireland have a chaplain including the majority of Premiership clubs in each of those nations and an increasing number of League of Ireland clubs (almost 50%) ,have taking up the opportunity to appoint a club chaplain through the charity in this new initiative in our nation.
Whether your club has appointed a sports chaplain at this point or not through the charity, their heart and ours is to ensure this is an accessible service for every player in the League of Ireland.
Liam McGrath has the privilege of overseeing the work of Sports Chaplaincy in the League of Ireland, as well as being chaplain to Drogheda United Football Club and managing a film company. He works alongside Philip Mitchell, who is the Coordinator for Sports Chaplaincy across Ireland, and a former professional player with Linfield, Glentoran, Lisburn Distillery, Portadown and Ipswich Town and coach educator for the Irish FA.
To find out more, check out the Sports Chaplaincy Ireland link below.
Sports Chaplaincy - Serving Sport in Ireland 2024
Check out also the Sports Chaplaincy UK and Ireland video below.
Sports chaplaincy Video including Neil Lennon on Mental Health
For additional Sports Chaplaincy UK and Ireland Resources, check out the link below.
Head in for Success - Supporting the Wellbeing of the Elite or Dedicated Player