YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BET on any aspect of football matches worldwide.

Players must not bet, either individually, through a third party on any football match worldwide.

You are not permitted to instruct someone to bet on your behalf or as part of a group.



As a player you will often be privy to inside information. This could be injury or team selection news, manager appointment etc. 

You are not allowed to use inside information to place a bet or to instruct someone to do so on your behalf. 

You are not allowed to pass inside information on to others which they could use for betting. This could include word of mouth, text, e-mail or even social media postings.


You should report any suspected betting, any approaches in relation to match fixing, or any irregularities with regards to integrity. See below reporting mechanisms.

FIFPRO Red Button App

The Red Button App is an athlete-only mobile-phone app that gives players an effective way to report illegal approaches anonymously without compromising their security. CONTACT US to find out more about how to download and access the app.

FAI Integrity Officer

Call the 'confidential' telephone no: 00 353 1 899 9399, alternatively you can email: